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To celebrate the release of the thriller Strangerland – On DVD and for download 4th July 2016- we have teamed up with Kaleidoscope Home Entertainment to give away a copy on DVD.

An A-list cast of Nicole Kidman, Hugo Weaving and Joseph Fiennes star in this highly-tense thriller about a family whose children have disappeared in the Australian desert.

Following a tradition of enigmatic mysteries from down under, Strangerland is packed with fantastic dramatic performances, scorching cinematography of the outback, and dark, gripping secrets.

Order your copy on Amazon today.

StrangerlandTo be in with a chance of winning, just answer the following question.

Nicole Kidman played the villainous Millicent in which 2014 hit children’s film?

A) The Lego Movie

B) Maleficent

C) Paddington

Please include Strangerland in the subject field and make sure you provide your email address otherwise we can’t let you know you’ve won an awesome prize. For your chance to win limited edition T-Shirts, box-sets, DVD bundles and Blu-ray, check out our ever growing competitions page.

The closing date for entries is July 14th and the winner will be notified by email shortly after. Good luck. If you think you know the answer, then send your entry to us via the handy little form below.


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Newcomers to the remote Australian desert town of Nathgari, Catherine (Nicole Kidman) and Matthew Parker’s (Joseph Fiennes) lives are flung into crisis when they discover their two teenage kids, Tommy (Nicholas Hamilton) and Lily (Maddison Brown), have mysteriously disappeared just before a massive dust storm hits.

With Nathgari eerily smothered in red dust and darkness, the townsfolk join the search led by local cop, David Rae (Hugo Weaving). It soon becomes apparent that something terrible may have happened to the children.

Suspicion is cast, rumours spread and the town begins to turn against the Parkers. With temperatures rising and the chances of survival plummeting with each passing day, Catherine and Matthew find themselves pushed to the brink as they struggle to survive the mystery of their children’s fate.

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