Galactic Galaxy Launches Indiegogo Campaign


Galactic Galaxy

“A disco junkie must seize his destiny, get off space dust, become Space Werewolf & save the galaxy.”

Perhaps one of the most audacious loglines I’ve heard in many years is the basis for an exciting new web series, Galactic Galaxy. Created by Anthony Ferraro, the series launched an Indiegogo campaign yesterday that has already struck a chord with sci-fi fans.

Ferraro is looking for $30,000 to produce six episodes of the series, naturally there are stretch goals and should the campaign reach $60,000 then a full twelve instalments can be made. Taken from the official Indiegogo page, Ferraro said this about his ambitious project;

“As you might guess, this web series has some fun with the sci-fi genre, but I take the project very seriously. My name is Anthony Ferraro, and for the last year I have been working with extremely talented artists, building costumes and sets, casting, workshopping, and shooting test scenes for the series I’ve written. And now, with all these pieces in place, we are are ready to go into production!

Galactic Galaxy creatively combines all my experience in Theatre, Film & TV. Technically, it combines live-action performance with striking and distinctive 2D & 3D animation. Inspired by Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth, the 1970s Heavy Metal Magazine, and the Marvel cartoons from the 1960s (to name just a few), I’m bringing to life an epic space odyssey in way that is both visually stunning and economically feasible.”

At the time of writing, the campaign has already garnered more than $5,000 after less than 24 hours, so here’s hoping those stretch goals are achieved as we all need Galactic Galaxy in our lives.

If you’d like to find out more about Galactic Galaxy, check out their Facebook page for updates and if you want to donate to the campaign then head on over to their Indiegogo.

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