Warner bros recently made an announcement that as of the 29th of December 2011 all Harry Potter films will be taken out of print, this even includes box sets and Deathly Hallows Part 2 which makes it’s debut just 27 days before the deletion date. Obviously they won’t be gone for good, it does appear like Warner are mimicking Disney’s limited time only releases. As there are no more Potter films (yet), Warner are clearly looking to make as much money as possible from the fantasy series.
Let’s face it, as annoying as it is that Disney release their classics for a limited time it does create buzz and interest in the film. Harry Potter is still too recent, it only finished this year and was a franchise that made a bob or two you know.
I had heard a worrying rumour recently, it is likely just that but it sounded like it could be true. The Harry Potter series will re -re-released in cinemas in 3D at some point in the near future.
I braved 3D for Deathly Hallows Part 2 and it was difficult to see what was going on, two characters died and I had no idea what happened. The screen was just too dark, great end to the series just not very magical in 3D.
So if your a fan of the series buy them before the 29th of December, stores will still stock them but are unable to order more copies after the 29th.