The Beatles’ legendary animated hit film Yellow Submarine is returning to cinemas across the UK and Ireland on 8 July 2018 and tickets are now on sale. An unmissable cinema event, this momentous big-screen revival celebrates the 50th anniversary of the film’s original release, and everyone attending screenings across the UK on Sunday 8 July will receive an exclusive 50th-anniversary commemorative pack, including four stunning limited edition collector’s cards and a Peppertastic sticker set!
For this golden opportunity to revisit Pepperland or experience it for the first time, you can book your tickets right here.
book tickets here.
The visionary feature film designed by the great art director Heinz Edelmann can now be experienced in glorious surround sound with the ground-breaking animation stunningly restored. Looking and sounding better than ever before, Yellow Submarine tells the story of how The Beatles battle the music-hating Blue Meanies armed only with the power of love. From Lucy in The Sky with Diamonds to Nowhere Man, and Eleanor Rigby to All You Need is Love, Yellow Submarine features some of the most-loved songs from the greatest band in the world.
An exuberant fusion of music, film and art, Yellow Submarine is a landmark cinematic experience that is as fun and vibrant as it was in 1968. Get ready to set sail for the Sea of Green with the Fab Four once again and book your tickets now