Anna Paquin Would Love To Be In More X-Men Movies

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The internet was collectively shocked when Bryan Singer announced that Anna Paquin’s scenes were cut X-Men: Days of Future Past. Then, when Singer revealed an extended edition would reinstate those scenes the rioters dropped their pitchforks and order was once again restored.

Now that The Rogue Cut has been released, Paquin has revealed that she would be up for reprising the role should she be required.

“I have had a great time on all of those films that I’ve been part of. Those are people that are very dear to me. If it happens that that’s something that makes sense for whichever of the 700 different X-Men projects that are happening which I personally can’t keep track of then that’s great. If not, they’re still fun to watch.

I would come back and do whatever. These are people I’ve known for half my life. I have a lot of love for my X-Men family. I realistically wouldn’t really care what it was if they were getting the whole gang back together kind of thing. On a side note personally, I would really like to fly because flying’s cool.”

There has been speculation that Rogue would appear in the forthcoming Gambit movie, but she has previously silenced those rumours by confirming she isn’t involved. While that could be a smokescreen, the other X-Men sequel she could factor into could be Wolverine 3. The pseudo father/daughter relationship between the two characters was nurtured in the first two X-Men movies, but Ratner jettisoned this for The Last Stand. We already know that Patrick Stewart is in the mix, so an appearance from Rogue could easily be on the cards.

X-Men: Apocalypse is released in UK cinemas on May 19, 2016.

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