Bitesize Halloween Treats: Mr Leadfoot


If you’re afraid of dolls and dummies, I would strongly advise you give Mr Leadfoot a skip.

When you’re out looking for possible valuables with a fancy metal detector, there are many things you might reasonably expect to find. Scrap metal, a watch, perhaps even a misplaced item of jewellery. You might have grand designs on discovering One Eye Willy’s lost treasure, but priceless relics are few and far between. The nameless seasoned treasure hunter (Larry Jack Dotson) of the film knows this only too well, but his latest find will change his life forever.

Having found an ominous crate in the woods, the old man brings it home for an unboxing. However, the contents of a creepy old doll is far from the valuable prize he had expected. Ever since I watched Child’s Play way too young, dolls of all kinds give me the creeps. I know I’m not alone on this as Hollywood has made plenty more creepy dolls movies in the years since Child’s Play. I’m holding out for the creepy doll shared cinematic universe where Chucky, Annabelle, and Slappy from Goosebumps team-up.

The titular dummy bares a strong resemblance to Slappy; only Mr Leadfoot is a little more scary to adults. There might be nothing startlingly fresh about Andrew Rosas’ short, but he uses the conventions we expect from this type of horror effectively. Mr Leadfoot is another fine example of the horror shorts readily available on Crypt TV. New short films are released twice a week, so if you’re after even more terror, head on over to Crypt TV for an all you can eat buffet of horror.

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