Suicide Squad
I fully accept that my somewhat clickbait friendly headline will anger some corners of the internet. For some people, both Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad were enjoyable comic book movies, and they can’t wait for Justice League. However, some people have found the recent DC films a messy affair that has yet to produce a solid foundation to build a shared universe.

I won’t waste your time by lazily raging on BvS, even though the Ultimate Edition did little to improve the end results, better critics than me have said their piece so let’s move on. It might be a thinly veiled ploy to get jaded moviegoers to give the movie another chance, but DC are fully embracing the ‘extended cut’ ethos for their superhero offerings. You could say they are giving audiences to be disappointed by the same flick twice, but let me take my hat of infinite skepticism off for a moment and don the robe of impartiality.

For the most par, extended cuts simply throw in a few extra scenes that were cut for timing. Occasionally a full on Director’s Cut will drastically alter the whole film, but mostly it’s been used to entice people to buy it. On a side note, comedies are the worst offenders for this and I wish they would stop with this unseen, unchained, balls out, outrageous editions they churn out. An extended cut should be viewed as an opportunity to offer fans a different experience, Days of Future Past: Rogue Cut is the perfect example of how to do this. Sure, it was still similar to the theatrical cut, but several key scenes were different with one character dying much earlier in the film. Take some notes Warner Bros.

There were some genuinely good things going on in Suicide Squad, Will Smith reminded us just how charming he can be, Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn threatens to steal the show, and Viola Davis crushes it as the dark hearted Amanda Waller. Sadly, the theatrically released version felt like a hastily edited music video that just so happened to star Hollywood A-listers and Jai Courtney. The reason for the messy tone was down to multiple editors working on two different version of the film, even the team who made the well-received trailers were brought in to give it a bash.

Full disclosure, I already know I’ll be buying the Extended Cut on Blu-ray because there’s a small part of me that wants to believe it will be more than just a few extra scenes of The Joker. In an ideal world, the Extended Cut would be an entirely re-edited version of the film with the promised additional thirteen minutes of footage. I know, it’s time I took the robe of impartiality off now as I think it has altered my brain chemistry.

In short, it’s highly unlikely that the Extended Cut of Suicide Squad will win over any new fans or solve the narrative problems that befouled the theatrical cut. Hopefully, it will at the very least make a bit more sense and give a bit more screen time to Jay Hernandez’s Diablo. The real test for DC is going to be next year’s Justice League, the trailer suggest a lighter tone, but has the damage to the extended franchise already been done?

Suicide Squad Extended Cut is released on December 5.

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