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It has to be said; I have a fond allegiance with Se7en. Having been thoroughly thrilled and repulsed first viewing, it wasn’t until a few years later at university, where I absolutely fell in love with it. For on one of my early assignments, the double-disc DVD copy of Se7en certainly came into its own. The bonus features include commentaries by Production Designer Arthur Max, which helped form the majority of my essay on that very discipline and mise-en-scène. That proved to be the best mark I received in the three years of my film studies degree.

Se7en also started my love affair with David Fincher, which only grew stronger with Fight Club and Zodiac in particular. Alas, for such a heralded movie, there is one place online that can bring any cinematic favourite down a peg or two. In the latest upload from CinemaSins, we discover that – perhaps appropriately – Sev7en is showered in sin.

Like most stories in the crime and detection genre, the viewer needs to suspend disbelief when it comes to coincidences, timings of events and how clues are left to be discovered by the culprit. It appears that Se7en is a guilty as most on these charges, with John Doe’s elaborate scheme seemingly more implausible with each increase of the Movie Sin Counter.

Overall, what this snippy review reveals, is that Se7en is a visual masterpiece, with each scene and shot perfectly composed to direct the flow of power and tension. The performances are across the board brilliant, and the atmosphere Fincher and his team generated is still worthy of accolades.

As always, you may not agree with everything CinemaSins has to say, but it’s an entertaining way to revisit a supremely entertaining movie. After watching, you’d be hard-pressed not to reach for your copy and settle down on a rainy night to get fully emerged in Se7en. In fact, it would be a sin not to.

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