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Widely regarded as one of the best movie sequels of all time, Terminator 2: Judgement Day still stands as a shiny example of how a sequel can surpass the original. You could be forgiven for thinking there were no plot holes or inconsistencies in James Cameron’s epic sci-fi sequel, but those Screen Junkies have found an entire Honest Trailers’ worth of niggles.

The fifth entry in the long-running franchise arrives in cinemas next week; Arnie is back in action for the soft reboot that features Emilia Clarke, Jai Courtney, and Matt Smith. Hoping to kick start a new trilogy, Terminator Genisys revisits key events from the first two movies and spins the story off in a bold new direction.

On a side note, once again it feels like the Hollywood trailer machine has diluted a massive plot point in the new movie. The recent final full trailer was pretty heavy on the spoilers with the identity of the main villain be revealed. If that wasn’t bad enough, the latest posters also contained a great big spoiler. I fully understand that the studio has to market the movie to get bums on seats, but imagine how much of a shock it would have been if they left out this vital element out of the publicity.

There is always the chance that Terminator Genisys has plenty more surprises (although the supposed secrecy around Matt Smith’s character feels like needless baiting), but we’ll have to wait until July 2nd to find out.

Check out the Terminator 2: Judgement Day Honest Trailer below.

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