Netflix Vista Add For Black Mirror



By now you should have binged watched all six episodes of the new series of Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror. The Netflix original series once again presents us with techno-fear laced tales set in a near future not too dissimilar to ours.

A new short promo for the series takes our techno loving way of consuming content to the next level. Introducing the Netflix Vista, using the same Z-Eye technology as seen in In Entire History of You, White Christmas, Nosedive and Man Vs Fire, you can now pump Netflix directly onto your cornea. Just imagine, you’re stuck in a boring office meeting and want to watch something on Netflix, well now you can just that!

A small part of me dies inside at the prospect of having to spell this out; the Netflix Vista isn’t real (yet), so if you see any Facebook posts from people claiming this is a thing, they’re already a lost cause. The power of Black Mirror’s ability to get under our skin is the world that Brooker has created feels disturbingly plausible, the advancements in technology make these nightmare visions of the future too close for comfort.

Netflix is easily leading the way with creating must-see original content; they might not strike gold every time, but with the Marvel shows, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, and this year’s breakout Stranger Things, the ones that do break out do it on a huge scale.

We could be in for a bit of a wait before Black Mirror returns for its next batch of six standalone stories. Brooker is currently writing the scripts, but Netflix has yet to announce an official release date. Rumour has it that a winter 2017 is still very much the aim, so let’s keep our fingers crossed that Brooker and co are already hard at work on getting production underway.

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