After almost thirty years and numerous made for TV sequels that nobody watched, Home Alone is finally getting a reboot (wait for it), but there’s a twist. Ryan Reynolds is set to produce an R-rated reworking of the Christmas classic that starred Macaulay Culkin, currently titled Stoned Alone, here’s how Deadline describes the new movie;
“Stoned Alone is reminiscent of that hallowed comedy classic. It centres around a twenty-something weed growing loser who misses the plane for his holiday ski trip. He makes the best of things by getting high. Paranoia sets in, and he believes he hears someone break into his house. Turns out thieves have broken in. Fully stoned and fueled by paranoia, he tries to thwart the thieves and defend his castle.”
On the one hand, Home Alone is perfect as it is. The sequel just about got away with it, but parts three, four, and five (yes there were five) were inherently poor imitations of the first film. I still think an official sequel that brings Culkin back as a seriously traumatised Kevin would be a great idea. Considering Reynolds’ love of pop-culture, I wouldn’t put it past him to throw in a Culkin cameo.
Augustine Frizzell (Never Goin’ Back) is set to direct with Matt Mider & Kevin Burrows (The Package) providing the script. There are no details on if Reynolds will be making an appearance or who will be starring, but Fox is reportedly putting this one on the fast-track as is the first of many Fox classics to be getting the R-rated redo.
While Stoned Alone doesn’t sound like a good idea, I like the idea that the people this will appeal to are the very same people who grew up with the first movie as a Christmas staple. We’ll bring you more about Stoned Alone as it comes in. Meanwhile, Ryan Reynolds is back on our screens next month with the Extended Edition of Deadpool 2 hitting Home Entertainment.