Spooky Clip From Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

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  • Spooky Clip From Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension


The final entry in the Paranormal Activity franchise arrives in cinemas in time for Halloween, The Ghost Dimension will bring the blockbuster horror series to a shocking conclusion.

It has been three years since Paranormal Activity 4 was released, after some delays in getting the next chapter off the ground, a neat spin-off followed in 2014 to expand the mythology with The Marked Ones. Producer Jason Blum has promised fans of the franchise that The Ghost Dimension will answers all the hanging plot threads.

“No more teasing, no more teasing. So I think it’ll answer 99% of the questions fans have had along the way. That was fun too, to write a movie and to finally not have to hold anything back.”

The delay in production gave Blum and the filmmakers more time to make sure that The Ghost Dimension was something special.

“Having had to make a movie in 12 months for five years in a row, it took a ton of pressure off the process and off the creative and allowed us to make something that I think is really special and I’m very proud of. So that was the big decision to say, ‘Okay, we’re gonna do this and it’s gonna be the last one.’ And to me, that was a very unusual decision.”

The final entry is still presented in the accustomed found-footage format, but with the added twist of 3D. According to Jason Blum, the 3D element will be explained as it has been worked into the story.

“We’re doing a found footage movie in 3D. Now we explain that too, but I believe that’s a first. There’s never been a found footage movie in 3D before.”

Starring Chris J. Murray, Brit Shaw, Olivia Taylor Dudley and Dan Gill, you can see all the activity for yourself when The Ghost Dimension arrives in UK cinemas on October 21st.

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