Stocking Chillers: Christmas Clay-Massacre


The Beauty of Horror: Christmas Clay-Massacre from Alan Robert on Vimeo.

Do you love stop-motion animation? Do you love Christmas? Do you love colouring books? If the answer to all three of those questions is yes, then you’re in luck. The creators of The Beauty of Horror: A GOREgeous Coloring Book have branched out into stop-motion animation by collaborating with Trent Shy to create Christmas Clay-Massacre.

In these rapidly advancing times, CGI dominates the animation industry, so when something old fashioned like this comes along, it is difficult not to be charmed by its gory magic. No beloved festive character is safe from Ghouliana and her rage against the holiday machine. While it might be animation, it goes without saying that it’s not suitable for young eyes.

Ghouliana and crew unleash their wrath on The North Pole in this insane claymation from Trent Shy Claymations and The Beauty of Horror creator Alan Robert! The Beauty of Horror: Ghosts of Christmas coloring book from IDW is in stores this Halloween! You can order your copy on Amazon right here.

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